Sunday 21 August 2011


Gosh well I've been busy since the competition. I had my birthday weekend away in Thorpe Park. It was really awesome and we went on all the rides multiple times. My hubby also had a week off work so we had lots of family days out with the kids, which was lovely.
On the subject of my children, I'd appreciate it if you could vote for my little guy Rowan in this competition: Sun Beams You just click "like" under the photo on that page to vote.
Here's the photo in the competition:
Thank you ^_^

Anyway I have done a few  paintings too, but I can't post any photos of them yet. The commissioner has asked me not to as they are a gift for someone. Can't wait to show you all though! 
Something I can show you is my sketches of animal designs:
I drew them with a biro on lined paper, but I've photo-shopped them all together here. Which ones do  you like best? Can you name all the animals? I'll be refining these and then painting them in sets of 4. Just need to find the time between commissions to finish their designs properly.

Well I shall update again soon, hopefully with more paintings to show you.
Speak soon dreamers

Wednesday 3 August 2011

Competition Winner!!!!!! ^_^

Well done everyone who entered, you ALL got the correct answer!
A Honed Snout = One Thousand

Let's start with the runner up first.
The prize for runner up is a single door plaque at half price. So that's only £4!! And that includes postage!
And the runner up is.......
Tricia Pacey!! I will e-mail you shortly to take your order :)

Now for the one you've all been waiting for!!
The winner's prize a single door plaque completely FREE!!!
And the winner is.....
Jenny Doyle!!! I will e-mail you shortly to take your order and get more details :)

Well done to all of you!! You will each get a little surprise e-mail for getting the correct answer!

Speak again soon dreamers

Sunday 31 July 2011

1000 Fans Competition!!

Woooo!!!! Finally reached 1000 fans on the Facebook page. Thank you to all you lovely people showing me love and support. To show how grateful I am, I am holding a competition for you all to enter. :) I will have a first prize and a runner up prize. If you win you will get a FREE single door plaque with the design etc of your choosing. If you are the runner up you will get a single door plaque for just £4 with the design of your choosing. 
Example of what you could win:
To look at other examples of door plaques head over to the gallery here. All are hand painted solely by me :)

To enter this competition all you have to do is work out this anagram:
A Honed Snout

Please send your answer to or you can us the 'Contact Us' tab on the Facebook page: [Link]
The competition will end on Wednesday 3rd August at 3.00pm (GMT) and the winners will be announced at 4.00pm (GMT).
The winner will be chosen out of those with the correct answers, using a random name selector.

Thank you and good luck!!!
Speak soon dreamers!

Saturday 30 July 2011

Drinks + Paintbrushes

Well I've had a busy couple of weeks with painting and the children. My daughter has found a love for painting now too :) She's only 2 and I think she's a very good painter already, but I might be a little biased! hehe,
Here's a butterfly she painted the other day:
In the process of painting her pictures she also managed to paint her face and arms. All part of the creative process though! :D

While she was painting her things I was painting mine. I have lots of orders, quite a nice steady flow at the moment. It's great being busy, but my social life is pretty much non-existent! Not that I'm complaining ;) I'm going to have a break for my birthday next weekend. Me and my partner are off to Thorpe Park while my parents have my 2 little ones. Going to be great being able to sleep through the night! Haha. Can't wait!!

Anyway I bet you're wondering about the title of today's blog? Well if not, you are now! Ha.
Basically I can not stop dipping my paint brush into my drink when I'm working. You think I would learn wouldn't you? My friend came up with a brilliant solution though; using a cup with a lid and a straw.  Now all I need is a solution to me trying to drink my brush cleaning water...

Now for some more pics of some artwork :)

You can see more photos of my various works on my Facebook page [Link]
On my Facebook page I've nearly reached 1000 fans!! Unbelievable! ^_^ I'm quite proud really. Well due to this astounding fact I am going to hold a competition when we do get to the big 1000!! More details will come in the next blog entry, how to enter and what the prize will be etc. I hope you'll enter :)

That's enough for now I think! Mwah!
Speak soon dreamers!

Friday 15 July 2011

Long time no update!

Gosh I've neglected this blog haven't I? Tut tut.
Well I have been rather busy with my little ones. They've both had chicken pox (bad cases), but are fully better now. Glad it's all out the way. So now I am catching up on my orders.

I've got lots of ideas bouncing around in my head. Need more time in the day to try and get everything done. He he. I have managed to create one of my ideas though:
Presenting Port-hole Canvas'

This is a round canvas painted to look like a view from a port-hole. Some friendly sea creatures swimming by to say hello :) A new way of having an under-water themed room. I will be doing a whole line of these type of paintings as well as any custom orders you  might want. Other ideas for these are deep sea view, with glow in the dark jelly-fish and other deep sea creatures. Don't fancy a trip under the sea? How about outer-space? Planets, stars and astronauts will make a great view from a rocket window. I also have some more ideas up my sleeve, so keep a look out!

I have also done some tiny canvas paintings. Great little additions to any room if you haven't got a huge space to work with. Can be bought separately or as a set. Here is an example:

Hope you like :)

As usual I have been doing my most popular items, door plaques. Here is a couple of new designs I have created recently.

Well that will do for now, I think! I promise to try and update much more regularly. ^_^
Speak soon dreamers

Tuesday 22 March 2011

Happy Tuesday!

Hello there dreamers.
Sorry I've not updated sooner but I've had a poorly little boy. He's on the mend now though :)
I've also not had much time to paint or make. Tis hard sometimes being a stay at home mum as well as working from home. But it's worth it!
 I have made something new....
 They are little balsa wood hearts which I have hand painted and added a ribbon to. They are birthday party favours. Great idea if you want something more unusual. I love them, I think they look really cute. I will definitely be making some for my daughters birthday, although that isn't till September! I'm working on some other ideas like this for boys, so keep a look out.

I have a new commission to start soon, which I'm excited about. It will be the largest thing ordered from me so far! A 20x39" canvas wall art. Gives me a reason to use my big easel! ha ha. I post pictures of the progress as and when I start it. It's going to be fun. And with the weather getting better I may be able to get some painting done in the garden, which is always nice.

I'll leave it at that for now, my kiddies need me :)
Sarah xx

Saturday 12 March 2011

And the winner is....

Emma Genockey!!

Well dome Emma, I will get your prize to you on Monday :)

Thank you to everyone who entered, although there wasn't many. Hopefully we'll have more next time! I don't know when we'll have another competition as we need more people to enter for it to be worth it really, so get spreading the word.

Well this weekend I have got buntings to finish, trying to glue crystals is hard work with a 2 year old trying to climb on me! Ha ha. I also have a double door plaque to start, which should be fun. This one is going to be an under water theme. Other than that I'll be having a semi chilled weekend with the kids. 
At the moment I still have a waiting list of orders, but I am working my way through it. You can still place an order now to get you on the list, you will not have to pay any money until I have at least started you piece. If you want to place an order you can go on the facebook page or use the contact me button. :)

 See you soon dreamers